Multi-peril crop insurance will cover you in the case of natural disasters

To protect your crops from numerous potential disasters, multi-peril crop insurance provides coverage to agricultural producers to protect them from naturally occurring perils, such as pests, storm damage, or other adverse weather conditions that destroy agriculture. MPCI is provided through the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC).

Crop hail protection

Sometimes, damage occurs in just a small area of the field. While hail can damage your crop and cause significant loss to you, it may be less than your MPCI deductible. This puts all the financial burden on your shoulders.

Crop hail can offer you per-acre protection. It essentially covers the gap in your MPCI policy to give you acre-by-acre protection up to the value of the crop. To buy a hail policy, you need an insurable interest in the crop. In other words, you must be at personal monetary risk if the crop is damaged.

If you need crop insurance, you will need to talk to a good agent. MPCI insurance is a complex policy and we will need to discuss the specific details of your farm.

If you’re interested in learning more about crop insurance, please contact us so we can provide you with a quote.